Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, presents Yoga for developing inner awareness and potential

Your Program for the International Day of Yoga 2018

From 6 am to 7.30 am, people will gather on the rooftops, verandahs, courtyards and other open spaces of their homes and community centres and do the following practices:

1.Kaya sthairyam with a focus on experiencing balance and harmony in body and mind


2.Shanti mantras:
Aum saha nau vavatu saha nau bhunaktu saha viiryam kara vaavahai tejasvi nau adhiitam astu maa vidvis saavahai Aum shanti shanti shanti

3.Mahamrityunjaya mantra with sankalpa for healing, energy, power, immunity and strength (11 rounds):
Aum tryam bhakam yajamahe
sugandhim pushti vardhanam
urva rukamiva bandhanat
mrityor mukshiya maamritat

4. Gayatri mantra with sankalpa for wisdom, inner clarity, intuitive knowledge and learning (11 rounds):
Aum bhur bhuvah swaha
tat satitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayath


5. 32 names of Durga with sankalpa for vercoming distress in life; experiencing peace and harmony (3 rounds):

Om Durgaa Durgaartishamanii Durgaapadvinivaarinii l
Durgamchchhedinii Durgsaadhinii Durgnaashinii ll

Durgtoddhaarinii Durgnihantri Durgmaapahaa l
Durgamgyaanadaa Durgdaityalokdavaanalaa ll

Durgmaa Durgmaaloka Durgmaatmsvaruupinii l
Durgmaargpradaa Durgamvidya Durgmaashritaa ll

Durgmgyaansansthaanaa Durgamdhyaanbhaasinii l
Durgmohaa Durgmagaa Durgmaarthsvaruupinii ll

Durgmaasursamhantrii Durgmaayudhdhaarinii l
Durgmaangii Durgmataa Durgmyaa Durgmeshvarii ll

Durgbhiimaa Durgbhaamaa Durgbhaa Durgdaarinii l


6. Tadasana (9 rounds)*
7. Tiryak tadasana (9 rounds)
8. Kati chakrasana (9 rounds)
9. Shavasana**
10. Pada sanchalanasana, stage 2 (9 rounds)
11. Naukasana (9 rounds)
12. Chakki chalanasana (9 rounds)
13. Vayu nishkasanasana (9 rounds)
14. Vajrasana (with abdominal breath awareness, 1–2 minutes)
15. Marjari asana (9 rounds)

These asanas comprise a short and easy-to-practise capsule for toning the entire digestive system.


16. Sheetali/sheetkari pranayama (10 rounds)
17. Nadi shodhana pranayama 1:1 (10 rounds)
18. Bhramari pranayama (10 rounds)


For a few minutes each, contemplate on and develop the yama of manahprasad, or happiness, and the niyama of japa.

19. Manahprasad: This yama was introduced on IYD 2016. To what extent have you been able to practise this and what have been the effects? Observe your mental states over the last few days and identify moments when you were truly happy. Connect with the energy and positivity of those moments and try to bring yourself into that state now. Strive to increase the duration of this state each day. If you are still in a state of unhappiness, try to find its underlying cause. Identify the negative, limiting quality in yourself that it reflects. Next, focus on the opposite positive and uplifting quality and try to strengthen it to become happy.


20. Japa: We are connected with the senses and sense objects all the time. Japa becomes a method to disconnect the mind for a little while and connect with something different. The connection between your mind and the senses and sense objects is broken. In that break you direct your attention and awareness towards discovering your inner nature, and that is where you find peace. With this aim in mind, practise Om chanting for 5 minutes remaining fully focused on the sound of the mantra. Also make a resolve to practise mental japa of Om or your guru mantra whenever possible during the day.


21. Ajapa japa (So Ham awareness in frontal passage, 5 minutes)
22. Yoga nap (basic yoga nidra with stages 3 & 4, 10 minutes)
23. Chanting of the yogic prayer:

Asato maa sad gamaya
Tamaso maa jyotir gamaya
Mrityor maa amritam gamaya
Sarveshaam svastirbhavatu
Sarveshaam shantirbhavatu
Sarveshaam poornam bhavatu
Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
Loka samastaa sukhino bhavantu
Om shantih, shantih, shantih

This final prayer is a resolution and contains the essence of yogic teachings. It represents the personal aim of attaining harmony, equilibrium and balance in one’s own life and the social aim to reach out to everyone with a wish for their wellbeing

* In the dynamic practices, awareness should be directed to the physical movement in the first 3 rounds, breath and pranic awareness in the next 3 rounds and mental visualization in the last 3 rounds.

** Shavasana may be practised as per the need of the group

All sincere yoga aspirants are advised to follow the above practices for one year, and then reflect on their success and the changes experienced in the quality of life. We hope and pray that the inspiration of yoga remains with you and in turn, you are able to assist others on the path of yoga and yogic living

Hari Om Tat Sat